This is the Italian group of the Erasmus project “Nothing is more precious than health” 2023. We went to Gaziantep, Türkiye and we had tons of fun. We met amazing people and we made lots of friends. Gaziantep was truly a beautiful city and we had fun every single day in every activity we did, READ MORE
Category: News
Flip – flop lessons
Impressive end of the school year: “Flip – flop lessons”. The day excited the entire high school community. The educational process was turned upside down. Outdoor lessons, parents – teachers, health professionals – teachers. We are going into the summer full of strength and good mood.
Lituanian students reflection after Romanian mobility
Accompanied by teachers, we visited Romania at Licceul Gheorghe Tatarescu Rovenari, implementing the Erasmus + KA210 project “Nothing is more precious than health”. The many valuable and unique experiences we got on our trip to Romania are really important to us. We discovered new friends and like-minded people, tried new activities. Our expectations were READ MORE
Italian students’ reflection after Romanian mobility
April 23rd FIRST DAY The first day of the trip was quite difficult because our flight was delayed. We enjoyed the journey while waiting to arrive in Romania and meet our hosts, even if it was too long and tiresome. We were a bit anxious because we did not know if we would have been READ MORE
Erasmus+ KA210 “Nothing is more precious than health” mobility in Romania
Participation in international projects is a big challenge that provides new opportunities to learn, share accumulated experience, strengthen communication skills and get to know other cultures. On April 24-28, four students of Joniškis “Aušros” gymnasium, accompanied by their teachers, visited Licceul Gheorghe Tatarescu Rovenari in Romania, implementing the Erasmus + KA210 project “Nothing is more READ MORE
Turkish students’ report after Italy meeting
REFLECTION ALI HAMZA CELIKFirst Day I am so excited today because me and my friends are going to Italy.The plane was so fun.We take photos of clouds.After the plane our hosts take us from airport.My host was Luis.I am staying with my friend Berf.Luis was living with his mother.He showed us the house and we READ MORE
Italian students’ reflection about Lithuania mobility
A report written by the Italian ERASMUS+ students: CAPUTO MICHELE- DE PASCA MATTEO-EQUESTRE GENNARO- REGGI FRANCESCO. Our experience in Lithuania was really exciting. We had the opportunity to see a Country so different from our own. We really appreciated its buildings, its peaceful countryside and all the activities carried out, having fun and getting to READ MORE
Students of Turkey’s Reflections About Lithuania Mobility
Experiences: Name: Ikra Tadik Hello i’m Ikra. I will tell about my experiences during a week in Erasmus. Before I left in Turkey, it was the first time I was going to another country away from my family. This was a great experience for me. I had a lot of fun with my friends during READ MORE
Meeting face to face in Joniškis “Aušros” gymnasium, Lithuania
The content of the activity which was followed: 1.DAY: İnteractive workshops and presentations on healthy life. Daily exercises for healthy life style workshop: Exercises were taught to students by practicing. Making posters/ laeaflets or adverts encouraging the teenagers to participate in PE lessons and to be fit Organizing sports games for participants 2.DAY: Gathering information READ MORE