Liceul “Gheorghe Tatarescu” Rovinari

“Gheorghe Tatarescu” college is situated in the south-west of Romania in Oltenia region, Gorj county which is a mixture of Romanian history and culture.Our school is a secondary-school level (high-school) and has students aged 14-19 and learn English, French ,IT, Entrepreneurial Education , also Technologies. It provides education in different fields such as:
High school (Science profile-Natural science, Humanistic Profile,Tehnical profile-mechanics and electronics,VET school-professional classes)
Courses after high school (Secretary, IT Tehnicians )

The teaching staff comprises 30 teachers who offer educational and teaching guidance and support to almost 350 students. We have three Informatics labs, a Biology lab, a Chemistry lab, a Physics lab, six technical labs for practice, an interesting library, an amphitheatre and a gym..The teaching staff is fully engaged in the learning process and improvement of the quality of school work. We are open to innovation and change. We are looking for new solutions that will help us to develop the skills of our students and we are aware of the fact that routine is not helpful in contemporary education .We want to learn from the experience of our partners.Top of Form


Liceul “Gheorghe Tatarescu” Rovinari
Rovinari city, Jiului Street,no.1, Romania
tel./fax. +40253371323


School website: