First Day
I am so excited today because me and my friends are going to Italy.The plane was so fun.We take photos of clouds.After the plane our hosts take us from airport.My host was Luis.I am staying with my friend Berf.Luis was living with his mother.He showed us the house and we talked together.After that we slept.
Second Day
We wake up late today because we are so tired.After breakfast.We went to school with Luis.Every country made a presentation about Nothing is More Precious Than Health project.There are Turks,Italians,Lituanians and Romanians.After presentations we ate lunch and played table tennis.After school we all walked at seaside streets and take photos there.After that me,Berf,Luis and lituanian friends went to a kebab restaurant and ate kebab there.Than we left lituanian friends and went home with Luis.Then we slept.It was a great time.
Third Day
We wake up early today and have a breakfast.We meet at school with the others.We went to a univercity at Portici by bus.We take photos of this place.There was a big garden.We take photos of this garden too.After that we went to a place that named Melofioccolo and ate pizza over there.Truely this pizza was garbage.We make cookies there but we didnt ate the cookies because they are burned.Then everyone return to the school.We went to the home with Luis and slept.
Fourth Day
We wake up and went to school with Luis.Every countrys members made a motto about health.Our motto is the best one btw.After presenting mottos we ate lunch.And get our certificates.We played kahoot and went to home with Luis.After a few hours we went to cocktail party and dance.We take some pictures there.Then we went to home with Luis and slept.
Fifth Day
We meet at school last time.We say goodbye to the Romanian students.After this day Luis and his mother will go to a vacation.We will stay at Santoro teachers home today.We went to station to buy tickets for pompei.We went to pompei by train.It was a great place to visit.I highley recommend it.We take a lot of photos there and back to the station.Santoro teacher take us from station and we went home together.Lituanian friends was there too.We ate pizza for dinner.After dinner we slept.
Sixth Day
We wake up and have a breakfast.Santoro teacher,me and Berf went to station by car.We bought tickets for Rome.We went to Rome by fast train.It was great.After we visit Rome we went to Vatican and we take a lot of photos there.After that we bought a lot of gifts for our families.I miss them.I am so excited to tell my adventure to my family.We ate pasta in a great restaurant.It was great.We take a lot of photos there too.We walked at Rome.We couldn’t go to colesseum because we didnt have enough time.I want to go there later.After that we went to Naples station and went to airport by alibus.After a long journey we are going to Turkey.It was great to came Italy.
Sadık Aleren Yurtyapan
1. Day
On the first day, I drove home with Andrea and her mother. They had a dog and a hamster in their house. I unpacked mysuitcase and gave them the presents I had brought. then they asked me if i was tired, i said i wasn’t tired and we went out together (andrea and her mom) andrean’s mom broke up with us because she took the dog for a walk and Andrea introduced me to her neighborhood, we visited some stores and taught me something. then we went home, her mother had arrived. He told us what dishes he would cook in the evening and we chatted and played games until the evening. We ate the local food prepared by her mother in the evening, we ate a lot, then Andrea’s father came and we visited a place like a bazaar together, and when we got home in the evening, we ate pizza. Then we played games and slept with Andrea.
2. Day
We woke up to the alarm of the Companion and only Andrea and I had breakfast and walked to the bus stop. Then we got on the bus and went to his school and made our presentations there (all the erasmus team)then we went to the seaside and took a lot of pictures and when we got home, his mother had cooked a local dish again. we ate dinner and played games in Andrea’s room, chatted and then slept
3. Day
in the same way, we woke up with an alarm and after having breakfast we went to school, after school we went to a university and watched the presentation there and toured the university’s private garden. then we went home again and ate, played games, chatted, played guitar and slept
4. Day
we woke up with the same alarm but I had trouble waking up because we played until midnight the previous day and again we went to school and after schoolwe went to a farm, we did farm work there, we had fun and ate pizza. Then we went home and did activities like the other days and slept.
5. Day
the same way we woke up and went to school, got our documents that we attended the erasmus at school and went to the seaside after school. We took photos by the sea. Then we went home and had dinner, play, chat, and sleep.
6. Day
We went to Rome separately from the erasus team and ate pizza there, shopped, toured and came back. I went straight to bed after dinner because I was very tired.
7. Day
I left Andrea and we went to Pompeii, we visited the flag there, we took pictures, and then we came back. gains;fluent english speaking, italian culture…
Akın Subaşı
First Day
First day, I woke up early. Because I had a flight at 04.00. I went to the Gaziantep Airport and met with my friends and teachers. We entered to plane and plane took off at 04.00am. We didn’t go to Naples directly, we made a transfer at Istanbul Airport.Our second flight was at 08.40 in Türkiye’s local time. We entered to plane and plane took off at 08.50(It was 10min delay). We arrived to Naples at 09.00 in Italy’s local time.Our hosts picked up us to their houses. My host and his parents was so friendly, warm persons.I ate some vegetable food(I don’t remember name of the meal)and it was very delicious.I didn’t do anything else because i was so tired and I slept early.
Second Day
Second day, I went to my host’s school with my host Gennaro. We met with the Students,teachers from other countries and I met with my friends and teachers. We talked about the mobility.Then we visited the school.Especially “Faculty of Airplane” was very good.After visiting, the cooking student’s made Lasagna and somethings to us.There was very delicious.In the evening, all of the student’s and teachers went to the seaside. The view was the best view i have ever seen. Then we went to the home and ate something(I don’t remember) and I slept.
Third Day
Third day, I went to my host’s school with my host Gennaro. We met with the students, teachers from other countries and I met with my friends and teachers.Then we went to an University. They explained Italian Educational System and a lot of things about education.Then, we went to the Garden. There was a lot of plants from other sides of the World.That Garden was amazing.In the evening, we went to home and ate some chicken and salad. Finally, I slept.
Fourth Day
Fourth day,I went to my host’s school with my host Gennaro. We met with the students, teachers from other countries and I met with my teachers and friends. Then we went to a farm and ate pizza, then we made cookies.In the evening we went to bar and hang around there. We played “Erik Dalı”.Finally we went to home and I slept.
Fifth Day
Fifth day,I went to my host’s school with my host Gennaro. We met with the students, teachers from other countries and I met with my friends and teachers. We waited a little bit then, we get our certificates. After that, we sayed goodbye to other students and teachers.After we say goodbye, We wanted to go to Naples’s seaside again. We went to Naples’s seaside and buy some souvenirs for our parents, friends etc.Finally we went to home and I ate chicken&turkey mixed meat and slept.
Sixth Day
Sixth day, I woke up early and went to Garibaldi Station with train.I met with my friends and teachers in front of the Garibaldi Station.Then we bought fast train tickets for go to Rome.After that,we entered to fast train and went to Rome.When we arrived to Rome, we went to Vatican City with metro. Then, we visited Vatican Square and Vatican Church.That was unbelievable. If I can, I want to see again this place.Maybe the best historical place I’ve ever seen.Then we went to Sant’Angelo Castle.That was fantastic.After that, we ate pasta at a restaurant and walked a little.In the evening, we went to train station and came back to Naples.My host Gennaro was picked me up to home.At dinner we ate pizza.Finally we talked a little, then I slept.
Seventh Day
Last day my host Gennaro was took up me to my teacher’s hotel. We sayed goodbye to us.It was very sad.Then we went to Pompei.There was very historical, beautiful,and exciting place.After that we went to Garibaldi Station and then, went to Airport with Alibus.We waited the plane; while we waiting, we watched World cup match(Portugal-Morocco).After that we entered to Naples-Istanbul plane, then Istanbul-Gaziantep plane.
I would definetely recommend Erasmus Projects to other people.With this Project, I made new friends, improve my language, see different cultures etc. I learned a lot of things about Italian people,culture;abroad etc.If I can, I want to come Italy again or other European country.
Mustafa Berf Polat
What Italy and the erasmus project gave me: First of all, my ideals have grown so much that I would love to live abroad. I learned a few words in Italian and taught Turkish words to my foreign friends (especially to Luis’ mother because her mother loves Turks, watches TV series, researches her culture) The contribution of this trip to my English was great. It improved me a lot in terms of vocabulary, sentence formation and speaking. We had good conversations because the English of the family and friends I went to was very good. We got to know European culture there. We experienced their cultures (eating, drinking, traveling, living, architecture, learning styles at school, clothing styles). We also told them about our own culture. I cooked frothy Turkish Coffee in a copper pot for Luis and his mother and served Turkish delight with a copper cup set. I also taught Luis’ mother how to make Turkish coffee. I loved that they wanted to get to know the Turks. We introduced and taught our cultures to each other. Overall, this trip has been very beneficial for me.