The content of the activity which was followed:
- İnteractive workshops and presentations on healthy life.
- Daily exercises for healthy life style workshop: Exercises were taught to students by practicing. Making posters/ laeaflets or adverts encouraging the teenagers to participate in PE lessons and to be fit
- Organizing sports games for participants
- Gathering information and designing the multilingual dictionary of scientific and technical terms in the partners’ languages in the field of sport, health and nutrition.
- Gathering information and preparing “Guideline for healthy Living” booklet about danger of eating disorder and obesity
- Preparing interdisciplinary lesson plans / dictionary on teaching healthy life styles by accompanying teachers .
4. DAY:
- Gathering information for multilingual dictionary
Cultural trip around the region for all participants was organized to learn about Lithuanian culture. The observation technique was during this trip.
All the phases for the activities in this exchange, the students used group work and making prediction techniques. All the resources organised for the workshops and used by the participants was aid for all the partner schools in the process of learning and teaching in the future.